The Portable Appliance Testing Company


A1 Safety Testing UK Ltd

We provide professional PA Testing throughout the UK for all types and sizes of businesses. Our City and Guild Qualified PA testing technicians are competent to test all types of portable appliances. Our flexible approach to working hours and our work planning ability ensures we work in a way which minimises disruption to your business operation. We can work early mornings, evenings or weekends to suit your requirements at no extra charge.

Professional PA Testing

All of our PA testing is carried out in accordance with the IEE [Institute of Electrical Engineers] Code of Practice, and our engineers are qualified and insured.

We will leave you with a Certificate of Compliance and detailed portable appliance asset lists and every portable appliance labeled with our bespoke tested label.

HSE, ISO and Insurance Compliance

HSE legislation does not state that you need annual PA testing but in the event of a fire in your business premises or an injury involving an electrical appliance you will almost certainly be asked to provide up to date PAT testing documentation. Similarly our PAT testing documentation complies with ISO requirements and in the event of an insurance claim our documentation will demonstrate your commitment to health and safety and compliance with health and safety at work legislation.

RCD Testing  - Now Available

RCD testing is the process of safely "tripping" your RCD to ensure it will operate quickly should there be an electrical incident. This is also known as safety switch testing. Your RCD is designed to trip, or switch off all the power to that circuit. United Kingdom standards detail the maximum "trip times" for various RCD's and the competent technician testing your RCD will be able to determine whether your RCD is tripping quickly enough. The quicker a RCD trips, the smaller the electric shock sustained by an individual.
